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Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park 


Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park is a provincial park in Alberta, Canada, located 10 km north-west of Grimshaw in northern Alberta, west of the junction of Highway 2 and Mackenzie Highway.

Mile Zero Monument


Grimshaw is Mile Zero of the Mackemzie Highway. The Miel Zero Monument Site is the focal point (origin) of the Mackenzie Highway.The Mackenzie Highway remains a vital trsnsportation route to Canada's north.

Mile Zero Regional Multiplex



 4609 - 50 Street, Grimshaw, Alberta T0H 1W0



Phone Number:


Peace River Wildland Provincial Park


Peace River Wildland Provincial Park is located in the valley of the Peace River stretching from Dunvegan Provincial Park to the Smoky River confluence and 30 kilometers upstream of the Smoky River valley.

Grimshaw Municipal Library North Branch


5020 - 55 Avenue, Grimshaw, Alberta T0H 1W0



Phone Number:


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